

The purpose of this blog is to expose my personal experience with sexual assault. All names have been changed. Each post will focus on a small section of my year-long experience. The world that victims of sexual assault are thrown into is an ugly one that reaches beyond the lengths of the common imagination. As survivors, we must make this world an imaginable  reality, in order to encourage the public to assist in cultivating change.

Each post of mine will be followed with a post from one of you. Please feel free to email stories or responses to anna.kathleen.rice@gmail.com.

For anyone feeling lost. For anyone who has kept their secret. For anyone staying silent.

And for EVERYONE that isn’t.

“To be willing to march into hell for a heavenly cause. The world will be better for this, that one man scorned and covered with scars, still strove with his last ounce of courage.”


11 Responses to About

  1. Julie Phillips says:

    I don’t know what to say! Anna, you are an incredible woman; strong, brave, courageous and beautiful! Thank you for writing this blog to increase awareness of sexual assault. I pray that by writing of your experience it will be a mechanism to continue your healing process. You are amazing, Anna! Peace and blessings to you!

  2. greg herling says:

    I am sorry that a man took advantage of you Mary , sending you love and kindness,,greg

  3. annakrice says:

    I am not Mary. That is my mother.

  4. Brian Fuder says:

    You have a wealth of friends and support Anna.

  5. You’re SO brave to do this- just read about your blog in the news- this is going to be so impactful to others- way to go! I’m telling my survival story via one-woman show and would love for you to check it out! Thanks so much! –Bonnie http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1261965338/thats-what-she-didnt-say-a-one-woman-show

  6. Tonya Fleming says:

    I was sexually assaulted at my job by a contractor. He came in my office one morning and put his hand down my shirt very aggressively and tried to kiss me in my mouth. He smelled like alcohol was coming through his pores. I am pursuing a civil suit as we speak. I didn’t come forward right away fearing humiliation, job in jeapardy, etc. Today, I’m standing for myself and all the women who have been violated the way I have. No More Being Quiet!!!!
    I have a voice and will use it whenever it’s needed. I will not live in fear of a job nor a person. Thank you for sharing your story and my blog will be up very soon. Where this happened at would be shocking to many, but not all because it happens everywhere. This happens to be the on the top 5 best places to work in the US – where is my protection?

  7. Necia says:

    I am a 16 year old female, and I have to been assaulted. I would like to know how to get in touch with you.

  8. Em Mercier says:

    You are amazing Anna! I’ll miss you a lot!!

  9. annakrice says:

    You can email me personally at anna.kathleen.rice@gmail.com 🙂

  10. annakrice says:

    Thank you for sharing your story. It is so unfortunate the was society sees assault as a whole still. Best of luck with your blogging. Please send me the info on how to read it. Power to you!

  11. eshuberty says:

    You’re a powerful writer. I’ve nominated you for a Liebster Award here http://livingwiththenoondaydemon.wordpress.com/2013/09/21/the-liebster-award/

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